I'm having so much fun looking at all the DIY lucets people are creating for the 7 Day Lucet Challenge!
People are posting their DIY lucets to Facebook and Instagram with the hashtag #7DayLucetChallenge, and the efforts range from super creative repurposing of found objects, to brilliant McGyver hacks, to masterful works of art!
Although none of these options may feel as good in the hand as a Wool Tree Lucet (Dennis spent years refining the design based on customer feedback), they all totally do the job. Plus, they allow you to try out the skill before having to invest in a tool that you may not use after the challenge.
Below is a round-up of 10 of my favorite ideas so far for DIY lucets that participants have shared with the #7DayLucetChallenge tag.
These require no extra work, just a little imagination in using something you already have in a completely different way.
Hairpin Lace Loom Lucet
Amber posted her clever Hairpin Lace Loom lucet to Facebook and it got me thinking. I use the AGeary Loom, and those lovely finials at the top of the prongs work really well for keeping loops on the tool!
Weaving Shuttle Lucet
Amanda (acd101 on Ravelry) used a weaving shuttle to make her first lucet cord. Absolutely brilliant! I love it when a fiber tool can be used in more than one way!
Swiffer Duster Lucet
Cordeliasbs on Instagram used the internals of a Swiffer Duster as a lucet! It looks like those little tabs on the side would actually help keep the loops on the tool as well!
Camping Fork Lucet
Cordeliasbs also found these Extendable Camping Forks, and thought they might make a decent lucet. I totally think they'd be worth a try, especially if you already have them around the house! (Available on Amazon here - affiliate link.)
All of these solutions are cobbled together from other objects. None of them appear to take that much time to put together.
Plastic Toy Lucet
Amber pointed out this wonderful lucet hack on Facebook. This lucet was created simply by drilling the hole through the tummy of this plastic ape!!! Totally whimsical and fun.
Twig Lucet
Here's one that will get you out into nature. On your next hike or gardening session, just look for a twig you can cut down into a lucet. Evelyn tried it and posted her results on Instagram. She says that she wishes it were more U shaped on top.
Ultimate McGyver Lucet
Kelly gets the prize for cobbling together the most awesome Lucet creation from common household items. She used an inhaler, 2 crochet hooks, rubber bands, wire ties and a key chain ring!!! (The only things she needs here is duct tape ;))
Sculpey Lucet
Sherry sculpted this awesome lucet out of oven bake clay. Such a great way to rapidly prototype different lucet shapes to figure out what feels best in your hand!
These lucets are not necessarily simple and one of them requires very specialized equipment. But they sure are beautiful. Big hat tip to the craftsmanship that went into them.
Laser Cut Lucet
Laura at Croshay Design not only created a gorgeous prototype lucet on her laser cutter, she is offering the scalable vector graphics file so that other people with a laser cutter and replicate her design. Just click on the link to access.
Shrinky Dink Lucet
Charlotte's shrinky dink lucet is truly a thing of beauty. I just love the drawings she did on it. I believe she used these instructions as a base for her pattern for anyone who would like to attempt a similar design, although she does say that she would have preferred flared sides.