Double Treble Crochet (dtr)

Think of the double treble crochet stitch as being 3 yarn overs before starting the stitch.

Pattern Abbreviation:  dtr

The photos below show an example of a double treble crochet stitch being worked into a base chain.

Step 1:  Yarn over hook (wrap yarn from back to front around the hook) three times just below hook opening. 

Step 2:   Keeping working yarn behind work, insert hook into the stitch  indicated by the instruction.  Yarn over to create a loop on the hook (wrap yarn around hook from back to front into hook opening). 

Pull  loop on hook through so that there are now 5 loops on the hook.


TIP:  If working in a chain, it is helpful to keep tension on the chain with thumb and forefinger of your hand opposite the hook so that the hook slides through easily.

Step 3:  Bring yarn over hook again, from back to front so that yarn engages in hook opening.

Step 4:  Draw loop through two of the loops on the hook so that 4 loops remain on the hook and yarn over again.

TIP:  Twist hook so that hook opening faces downwards when drawing through the two loops on the hook.

Step 5: Draw loop through two of the loops on the hook so that 3 loops remain on the hook.  Yarn over again.
Step 6: Draw loop through two of the loops on the hook so that 2 loops remain on the hook.  Yarn over again.
Step 7: Draw loop through the remaining 2 loops on the hook.  The double treble stitch is now complete.
The upper row of stitches in this photo illustrates completed double treble stitches.