Mixing Broomstick with your Knitting

Knitted Lace with Inline Broomstick Lace using Lucci Hemp Lace

I've been having fun playing around with ways to mix knitting with Broomstick Lace. Since Broomstick Lace is a crochet technique that is done with a knitting needle anyways, it seems completely natural to knit a few rows, then use the crochet hook and the knitting needle for a few rows - the effects are gorgeous and it is fun to watch what happens as the two different kinds of laces merge into one another.

Knitted Lace with Inline Broomstick Lace using Lucci Bamboo Lace

The photos above show some of my experimentations working rows of knitting with a smaller needle, then switching to knit a row with a bigger needle. I've then worked the loops off the larger needle using a crochet hook and the Broomstick Lace technique.  Once the crochet row is complete, I've switched back to the smaller needles and continued in a knitting pattern.  I call this way of working "Inline" because there is no binding off the knitting before switching to Broomstick. In my experiments, I've found this way of combining the techniques is lovely for lacey fabrics.

Knitting with bordered Broomstick Lace as show in my new Velutinous Cap & Wristlets (Knit) design

I found that when I desired the transition between the knitting and the Broomstick Lace pattern to be more defined, binding off before a Broomstick Lace insertion provided a much more effective result.  But not just any bind off will work if you need to preserve the stretchiness and quality of the fabric.  I call this kind of transition between the two techniques a "Bordered" transition, and since no cutting of the yarn is required for the bind off, the bind off stitches really should just be considered a set of special stitches that create an attractive transition - it is not necessary to completely tie of and restart.

If you are a knitter and intersted in exploring mixing crochet into your work - do consider Broomstick Lace as it will feel like a very natural progression for you.  Even if you have only picked up a crochet hook to edge before - as long as you know the basics of how to single crochet and chain - you've got all the pre-requisites you need to tackle my new Craftsy class Beyond Basic Broomstick Lace or follow along in my new tutorial pattern Velutinous Cap & Wristlets.  And of course, there are my free, online tutorials on this website for Broomstick Lace.

If you are inspired enough to experiment with mixing techniques yourself, please do share. I'd love to see what you come up with.