Summertime is a great time for Hairpin Lace
Above: Carolyn Hanson assembles Klimt. Have you tried Hairpin Lace? Summer is an excellent time to work it AND to wear it. To make hairpin lace, you just crochet hairpin lace strips on a loom and then you crochet the strips together. We've got free, online tutorials as well as free hairpin lace patterns to get you started, as well as more comprehensive designs and a limited-edition book published on the technique. I was blown away recently by Carolyn Hanson's beautiful interpretation of Klimt (passionknitpm on Ravelry). Her colors are amazing and it's so cool how that circular motif at the lower right of the photo above looks like a starburst when using a hand-dyed yarn. Klimt is not the first design I would tackle if I were new to hairpin lace (I think that the Convertible...