
Clusters are 2 or more crochet stitches that have been joined at the top into a single stitch.  A cluster can be worked out of any combination or number of stitches.  The defining characteristic of a cluster is that the very last loop of a stitch is left unworked on the hook temporarily until all stitches in the cluster have been also partially worked to the last loop.  The final step of a cluster is a yarn over and the yarn is pulled through all of the loops on the hook to create a single stitch.

Clusters are used for decreasing as well as to create a decorative effect in the fabric.

The photos below show an example of a cluster comprised of 3 dc's worked over 3 consecutive stitches.

Step 1:  Partially work a double crochet stitch up until the point just before the "yarn over / pull through".
Step 2:   Yarn over, insert the hook into the next stitch and create another partially-worked double crochet stitch similar to the first stitch created.
Step 3:  Yarn over, insert the hook into the next stitch and create a final partially-worked double crochet stitch similar to the first two partial stitches.
Step 4:  Yarn over and draw the yarn through all the loops on the hook  This completes the cluster of 3 double crochet stitches.